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The team consist of 5 twelfth grade females : Carolina Menjivar (Producer), Jamie Lopez (Programmer), Diana Fuentes (Writer), Jessenia Trinidad (Art Director), and Jocelyn Rivas (Documentarian). Our mobile app will help our community communicate with possible beholders of his/her lost pet. Our society is accustomed to witnessing animals on the streets that the possibility of helping the animal does not cross their minds. With an app that encourages the person to take action, pets will be saved from the brutality of the streets. Technology engulfs our world, so what better way to reach out to people? Using a mobile app to post lost and found information for animals revolutionizes the posting on the tree trend by bringing that idea to the 21 century. As the producer of the group my responsibility was to overlook all my group’s work and making sure things got accomplished swiftly and punctually.

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